Getting started with Git & GitHub

Getting started with Git & GitHub


Git vs Github

Git is a version control system that lets you manage and keep track of your source code history. GitHub is a cloud-based hosting service that lets you manage Git repositories. If you have open-source projects that use Git, then GitHub is designed to help you better manage them.

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Some Git CLI commands

Git : Configure

git config --global " " sets email address respectively to be used with your commits.

git config --global "FirstName LastName" sets the author name.

git config --list command to list all the settings Git can find at that point.

git config --global color.ui true Git automatically colors of its output.

Git : commit to repository

git commit -m "Add three files" command records or snapshots the file permanently in the version history.

git commit --amend -m <enter your message> command allows you to change the commit message.

Git : branching

git branch command lists all the local branches in the current repository.

git branch <branch-name> command creates a new branch.

git checkout <branch-name> command is used to switch from one branch to another.

git merge <branch-name> command merges the specified branch’s history into the current branch.

git checkout -b <branch-name> command creates a new branch and also switches to it.

Git : Initiating a repository

git init command is used to start a new repository.

git status command lists all the files that have to be committed.

Git : Pulling & pushing from and to repositories

git remote add origin <link-to-repo> ommand is used to connect your local repository to the remote server.

git push -u origin main command sends the committed changes of main branch to your remote repository.

git clone <link-to-clone-repo> command is used to obtain a repository from an existing URL.

git pull command fetches and merges changes on the remote server to your working directory.

Git : Staging

git add <file-name> command adds a file to the staging area.

git add <file-name> <second-file-name> <third-file-name> command adds one or more files to the staging area.

git add . command adds all files under the current directory to the staging area.

git add --all command finds all new and updated files everywhere throughout the project and add them to the staging area.

git add -A Same as --all

git rm --cached <file-name>